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Mackenzie Calhoun

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Mackenzie Calhoun last won the day on November 6 2016

Mackenzie Calhoun had the most liked content!


13 Good

About Mackenzie Calhoun

  • Rank
    Warrant Officer
    Warrant Officer
  • Birthday 09/02/1985
  1. I've tried but it won't let me for some reason. Get to confirm and pay but clicking doesn't do anything. Â EDIT- sorted. Turns out that when I go to a certain page and press "show all content" it fouls the joint but it should be done now.
  2. Sheesh, at my school we were lucky to even mention it.
  3. Â Just discovered it. You have the review box on a person's story and below that a scroll down next to "opinion" it actually has options for like and dislike
  4. Â Ah right, that makes sense Kes. I thought with stuff like my BCI and what not that has multiples there was something else going. IPs would make better sense.
  5. Â Ah, right. Thank you. Lumme, just as well it doesn't show dislikes.
  6. It goes without saying you do an incredible job, MDG. I wish I had half the talent you do with computers/website for one thing  I do have a silly question, noticed recently there's thumbs up by a couple of my series and some of my early stories. Are they some sort of authorisation thing?
  7. Incentive to blitz the site with Mitchell.
  8. Huzzar, I made a list! Â The pedant in me does wonder, as I twigged a while ago that you get a view (it seems) for each chapter read and MIR has several chapters (with more to come)....but still...