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  2. Some of you may still use RSS feed readers or notification apps on your mobile device. To help you find the fandom you'd like to monitor, please use the following links as needed: Series and Movies: TOS: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aathoseoldscientists TNG: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aatng DS9: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aads9 VOY: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aavoy ENT: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aaent AOS/Kelvin: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.om/aaaos DIS: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aadis PIC: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aapic LD: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aald SNW: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aasnw PRO: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.om/aapro Alternate & Expanded Universes AU (General): http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aaaug Expanded Universes: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aaeu Mirror Universe: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aamirror Pi'maat: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aapimaat Raptor-verse: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aaraptor Star Eagle Adventures: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aasea Full Speed Ahead: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aafullspeed Gibraltar: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aagib Lexington: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aalexington Phoenix-X: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aaphxx Star Trek Online: http://feeds.adastrafanfic.com/aasto This is not the definitive list: I'll be adding more feeds as I can (or as Steff creates them when EU stories reach the minimum threshold). H+K, MDg
  3. SLWalker


    Stuff and things.
  4. Hey guys! Well, for those of you watching here instead of Discord: We've gotten our instance of otw-archive up and running and opened for public beta! You can find the shiny new site here: Ad Astra :: Star Trek Fanfiction Archive Some things to bear in mind: Tagging on the new archive follows the same rules as on the old archive! So please read the FAQ and adhere to it. In fact, read all the FAQs, they contain some valuable information, including how our Expanded Universes folks can have their own fandom. As for our old home-- Ad Astra's original eFiction archive will remain in situ as a static monument. On September 1st (or about), the archive goes into permanent read-only mode and the top domain will point to the new archive instead. You have that much time to post, edit, etc. Please don't repost reviews on your works from the old site to the new one under any circumstances. If you want to copy the reviews you wrote to stories moved over to the new site, though, that is absolutely allowed. (But you should maybe write new ones, too. XD) Anyway, there ya go. We did it. Go enjoy the new labor of love and let's see what happens!
  5. SLWalker


    For covers/images/etc that went with our authors' stories who we lost.
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