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Deputy Archivist (jg)
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Everything posted by jespah

  1. Thank you again for everything, Mike.
  2. Thanks, Mike. Is it the plugins again?
  3. Thank you for everything. Let us know if there is anything at all that we can do.
  4. I take it this will be required for Boldly Reading as well?
  5. Sure thing; I'll send you a note.
  6. It can be a quick thing to do the give and take reblog, etc. on Tumblr (I'm not volunteering - I'm trying to cut back on things, actually). If time arises, I could help with that, but class is about to start and I know I won't be able to during the semester.
  7. Ah, kewl, will you be supporting the Tumblr blog and reblogging other Trek images as well?
  8. Wow - what is that - 14, 15 times as many social media visits than last year? W00t on toast! Â PS People can help by adding covers. Images ROCK online.
  9. Whole cranberries are very New England (the bogs are on Cape Cod). Serve jellied canned stuff around here, and people are bound to take your well-shoveled parking spot. It's war!
  10. I tried it (you have to also load Calibre) even though I don't have a reader. I just wanted to see if I could make the files, what they would look like and how big they are, as I'm considering storing at least a few of them on my own site. It's not difficult, once you get the hang of it.