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Ad Astra Chat now available

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Thanks largely to the awesomeness that is Stormerider, we now have a chat using his code. StormChat is set up at:


Please use your FORUM username/password, not your archive user/pass. It's tied to the forums, and should have your avatar from the forums show up, as well.

We have one public room, and you can open private chat rooms at your leisure. If you run into any bugs, please open up a ticket at the support site (http://support.adastrafanfic.com).



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Some people are reporting that they're not seeing any response from the server.  That seems to be a one-time thing, as the cookies are being delivered.  Log out, close the browser window/tab, and then log back in and see if that doesn't fix it.

If it doesn't, let me know by opening a ticket at the support site.


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The Forum Updates topic seemed to be locked, so I thought I'd mention it here since I can't really find a better place...

Just wanted to say I really appreciate the upgrade to the latest software.  Reason being, I was REALLY having a lot of trouble in the previous version with Ctrl + I messing up my browser and opening unwanted windows instead of actually doing what it was supposed to.  Now it works properly, which really speeds up my typing. :D

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Oh, I didn't even know this was an issue.  No one raised a support ticket for it.  The update had been out for over three months.  Had I known, I would've moved it up earlier.


I had assumed there was nothing that could be done about it, so I didn't bother because I didn't want to seem like I was harping over things that no one could help. ;)

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