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Donate to Ad Astra

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Donations will cover the following monthly expenses:

  • Server bill to Slicehost ($70)
  • Backup bill to Slicehost ($15)

In addition, funds from this account will be used for the following annual expenses:

  • 2/25: AdAstraFanfic.com renewal to GoDaddy ($11)
  • 2/25: AdAstraFanfic.net renewal to GoDaddy ($11)
  • 2/25: AdAstraFanfic.org renewal to GoDaddy ($11)

Thank you for your support!


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The last donation drive raised $355 as of February.  This covered the following expenses:

- Server bill for January ($85)

- Server bill for February ($85)

- Domain renewals ($30)

- Server bill for March ($85)

- Part of the server bill for April ($70).

The donations balance right now is $0.

Thanks! :)


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The last set of donations raised $155 as of now.  This covered the following expenses:

- Server bill for May ($85)

- Partial Server bill for June ($45)

- Partial Server bill for July ($20)

The donations balance right now is $0.  I covered the rest out-of-pocket.

Thanks! :)


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The last set of donations raised $20 as of now.  This covered the following expenses:

- Partial server bill for August ($20).

- None of the server bill for September.

- None of the server bill for October.

The donations balance right now if $0.  I covered the rest out-of-pocket.

Thanks! :)


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The last set of donations raised exactly $155.  This covered the following expenses:

- Server bill for November ($85)

- The server bill for December was covered by Where No One Has Gone Before, as a Christmas present to Ad Astra. ($85)

- Partial server bill for January ($70)

The donations balance right now is $0.  All other expenses were covered out of pocket.

February will also be our domain renewal.  The prices rose pretty sharply, so it'll be $45, instead of $30.

Thank you to all who donated, and special thanks to WNOHGB.


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The last set of donations raised exactly $90.  This covered the following expenses:

- Server bill for February ($85).

- None of the server bill for March.

- None of the server bill for April.

Additionally, the domain charges were settled on 2/25/2011:

- adastrafanfic.com: Donations covered $5 of the $15 for this registration.

- adastrafanfic.net: Donations covered none.

- adastrafanfic.org: Donations covered none.

Thanks to all who donated.


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The last set of donations raised exactly $40.  This covered the following expenses:

- Partial server bill for May ($40).

- None of the server bill for June (my birthday month and you all forgot!).

- None of the server bill for July.

We also switched over from GoDaddy to Names, Inc for name services, but I covered the changeover.

Thanks to the one person who donated!


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The last set of donations raised $105.  This covered the following expenses:

- All of the server bill for November ($85).

- The server bill for December was covered by Where No One Has Gone Before, as a Christmas present to Ad Astra. ($85)

We are going to close this thread out, now.  I'm intending to use the Donations tab at the top of the page for donations in the future, which should have updates on who has donated using the paypal system and what our current treasury is at.

Thanks to all who donated this quarter.


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Okay, I went back throughout our history, and awards Donor ranks to those of you who've been generous enough to donate. I pulled all of the data from PayPal, but I know some of you sent in checks via mail. I tried to go back through my PM history to locate those who donated using this method, and I think I got everyone. If I missed you, please PM me right away, so I can give you your award!



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