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New Site: Image Hosting

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All forum users now have limited access to the image hosting site (Coppermine).  There is a link at the bottom of the Discussion board area that you can use.  No need to re-register; it's using the forum database for users and permissions.

There are image posting limits for each post-count rank.  The more active you are here on the forums the higher your limit is.  I would highly recommend using JPGs only, as they're not as huge as PNGs.  The site will auto-resize accordingly.

Just another service available to our users.


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None whatsoever.  Posters can still use photobucket or wherever they wish to continue to host their images.  This is simple to allow people to house book covers or other images so that if they use them on their fiction, it won't break or show broken images, because it's all local.


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What is the minimum post count to be able to start using it?

I don't have much, just one cover for one of my stories, but I wondered when a forum user can start uploading something. I uploaded that file, but it was not accepted by administrators, so maybe I don't have that right yet.

Anyway, I think the gallery is a great addition to AdAstra :)

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