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New Archive/Forum Themes - Beta?

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Alright I can see the new background and it looks good! I'm viewing this with Mozilla Firefox and I don't see any glitches, and everything (locations of threads, profile, updates and so forth) is where it is supposed to be. As for the actual background, the colours do not interfere with looking at the text and the colour of the links is clearly visible. I can clearly read all the text and the background does not get in the way or make the text hard to read.

So this new look works when using Mozilla Firefox.

I'll now switch to Internet Explorer...

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I'm viewing this page, on Internet Explorer, and again no problems or glitches. There are no differences when using either Explorer or Firefox. So the background works.

Good job SLWalker!

p.s. Have I finished my responsibilities as beta-tester of this new background?

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I found two issues while going through this site.

1. On my profile page, in that rectangular box which displays my info, it is coloured white/mauve just like the old background, colour scheme. This also applies for viewing other member's profiles (I'm not sure if this is part of the new colour scheme/background or not)

2. When looking at any forum (general chatter, fic talk and so forth) and looking at the page displaying the topics, there is that small box (area) for starting new topics/polls and that is in the old colour scheme. (I'm not sure if this is part of the new colour scheme/background or not)

I will be going over everything with explorer in four hours time (got to go skateboarding), right now I've covered everything with Firefox.

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