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Miranda Fave

New Round Robin Corner! Hurray!

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We have reorganised things! The two seater is going over by the window and the tall lamp is going in the far corner.

A little tweak has created a new Round Robin corner. The Multiverse Round Robin can be found therein - so ne fear it hasn't gone anywhere folks!

But we've opened things out so that people with an interest to start up a Round Robin on the site have a little corner to play in. So here you can post contributions to Round Robin stories or discuss ideas for starting, collaborating on Round Robins. Please don't throw your toys out of the playpen!  :D

Remember, anyone can start a round robin, with as many or as few people as they like. The normal forum rules apply - treat each other with respect and have fun.

And additionally, there's a post Anyone for Jello? already for kicking off a new one - so if you're even a wee bit interested, go check it out and think about giving it a go!

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