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Vacation Notice!


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Hello my loyal minions!

The Teddog and I are going on vacation, starting for her on May 15th and me on May 17th.  We won't be back until the 23rd, and probably not really able to pick up things until the 24th.  And then we'll still be a bit slow.

Because I am absurdly protective of our little enclave here, I'm training our replacements starting today.  Anna Amuse and Miranda Fave will be running this place while we're gone.  Mike's been hammered hard with work lately, but he'll also be around to make sure your temporary evil overlords don't accidentally blow the place up.

Anna will primarily be in charge of new submissions, new authors, and helping Miranda keep things in line.  Miranda will be in charge of the challenges, review hunts, votes.

Here's what you can do to help Miranda especially -- every day starting with May 17th, please tally your reviews up and PM them to him with links to the story you reviewed.  There's no automated feature that allows reviews to be tallied; I do it all by hand.  And since Miranda doesn't have database access to do it quickly, it would be cruel to go and make him hunt through the whole site.

So, there's what's going on.  Any questions?

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So, there's what's going on.  Any questions?

Yeah, why did I agree to this? I apologise in advance everyone.

You can still bow out.  I can find someone else if you don't want to do it. :P  Why I was planning ahead, you know.

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So, there's what's going on.  Any questions?

Yeah, why did I agree to this? I apologise in advance everyone.

You can still bow out.  I can find someone else if you don't want to do it. :P  Why I was planning ahead, you know.

Heck no! You're stuck with me now! Heh heh  :D

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I do not envy you MF.

*ahem* But while your admin for awhile, you could make some new laws, add a few new rules...

Like say, everyone must read and review trekfan's work? ;)

^Just kidding...don't go abusing your power. Remember, I am trekfan-Defender of Truth, Justice, and the Star Trek way. *cue John Williams Superman score*

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FYI - I won't have full computer access until the 31th after heading out on the road on the 15th. I think the only place where this is going to be a BIG deal is over on the round robin. Well, that and some of you can't plot with me on AIM, but that's to be expected.

I still need to figure out what I'm going to do with my characters there...

Maybe if you're lucky, there will be pictures. "And this is what the Erie Greyhound station looks like!"

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