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Server Outage for Maintenance (1-2 July 2013)

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Hello folks:


Once again, our servers are going down for major maintenance, but unlike last time where we were down for most of the night, we're expecting this to only be a two hour outage.


What We're Doing: We are DOUBLING our resources!  We will be upgrading to twice the hard drive space, CPU power, and memory availability to all of our servers in order to accommodate our uptick in demand for Ad Astra services as the site grows in size.  This is good news for everyone as the server should be responding faster and have more resources to draw from in the future!


What This Will Impact: Main Archive (www.adastrafanfic.com), Blogs (adastrafanfic.net), Email (trekfics.net), and Support (support.adastrafanfic.com).


What This Will NOT Impact: Forums (forums.adastrafanfic.com), Chat.


When This Will Happen: The downtime will begin at 11pm Pacific Daylight Time on 1 July 2013.  We expect all services to be restored by 1am PDT on 2 July 2013.


We're sorry for the short notice, but we want to implement the upgrades as soon as possible.  Monday nights around midnight PDT are low-tide windows for us, so this should impact the least amount of people.  I will be happy to entertain any questions on this maintenance in reply.



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