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Ooh look - there's an Awards section. :)

Yeah, there's awards, but I think Steff's going to either make me take down the current images because they look like shit or come up with her own to replace them so that they don't look like shit. :)


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Spiffy! Is there any way to get post-bodies and input boxes either white or light colored with dark text? And I will see about making new awards; any color preferences? Otherwise, I really like the look of this.

Not without paying another $25 for that theme. :) I have no color preferences at all for the award images. ;)


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Question (and maybe it's just me), but I don't have a like option on all posts. I understand not having a like option on my own posts. But, for example, MF's post just above this one does not have a like button for me. How come?

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