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Site Outage: June 25-26, 2014

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Second verse, same as the first...


Once again, we were the victims of a malicious attack.  It took nearly 7 hours to work on the issue, and we had to bring the server down.  The lucky part is that we lost no data, just jumped about 25 minutes back, so it should've had minimal impact.   I'm at a loss as to how it happened, but I'm having someone smarter than I take a look at the server and perhaps he'll find something I missed.  Also, IPB support is getting involved for the forums side of things and they'll be poking around all day today and get back to me.


In the meantime, I had to refresh all of our files.


This outage affected the Archive, Forums, and Blogs only.  Email and Support were unaffected.


And now, I'm heading to sleep.



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Additionally, after speaking with support, I will be enforcing password changes for all staff accounts.  Furthermore, if you haven't done so already, please change your email address password, especially if you're using Gmail or Hotmail.





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