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So, back when we first put up the site, I think Steff and I discussed the possibility of putting a donation button on the site, but since the site was too new... we hesitated.

In the interest of full disclosure, the server that Ad Astra runs on costs $85 a month.  $70 for the server, $15 for daily backups.

If we were to put up a donate button on the main site or the forums, would you click on it? :)  And also, would you want some sort of recognition on the forums?


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I would happily donate though I wouldn't be bothered about the recognition. Many people would like to donate but just can't. Plus I think whatever steps are taken are in line with the Archive subtle understated and classy. And I think maybe more suited on the Archive for the fact that it archives our works and is so prized by so many of us. But that's my two pennies - of thought - not my donation. :)

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Well I do like that idea, however the decision to dole monies out in that case might be troublesome for someone to decide and judge the merits of. But not necessarily a problem so. An another possible suggestion of using any left over monies would be to give the monies to a charity that promotes reading and/or writing with children, simply as it is part of the site's ethos as such?

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Well accumulate the money to help keep a further year's worth of bills in the bank so to speak. But either your suggestion or mine strikes as very honest and upfront, especially if stated with any donation blurb. But again, more cross section ideas might get a feel for that. Not to mention it is all quite hypothetical at present. We needs to get donations in yet! Ha.

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Yeah, there are actually some legal liabilities involved if we appropriate the money for a purpose other than stated.  Plus, then we would need to form a trust of some kind for the purpose of granting funds to a member...

I think it would be easiest to simply let it accumulate, because the account that pays the bills for the server also pays the bills for the domains every year. (adastrafanfic.com/net/org)


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Well, I'm new here and I usually have a saying that one needs to have been around for a certain amount of time before they can have an opinion or you get some very ignorant answers.  That being said, instead of calling it a donation, you may want to do a "Not for Profit" sale which is legally different than "Non Profit."

Anyhow, if the person(s) who has to pay for this space has a color laser or quality color printer and a few bucks to start, I recommend selling address labels.  You can have a choice of three artworks and have one sheet of 20 labels is $5 and three sheets of 20 labels is $10.

One $10 order has just covered your cost for a box of 50 sheets of labels from Staples or Office Depot and the ink.  Your profit for one box is $150.  Make the labels using Word and one order will take five minutes.  Before even committing funds, put out a feeler and see your potential order.

I've worked with clubs before and this kind of thing usually works.  Folks get something tangible in their hands.

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I don't really think the lowest common denominator exists here.  For the record, I'd click the donate button, particularly if it was PayPal-able.  I don't think recognition is necessary (but then again, a little peer pressure can be a good thing when used wisely ...  ;)).

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