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Silly life, distractions are for adults!


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In other words, I have not been brilliant on updating the news today. xD  Nerys, however, owned the review hunt.  No challenge-takers this time around, so we'll try again.  One of my lovely admin/mods, can you update the news for me, as I shall be driving a ton today, at a doctor's tomorrow and not have the time?  As well as snag the next challenge and featured?

Sorry. >.

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Can I make a suggestion?  When MF was doing it, he would always start a thread about the current challenge in the forum.  I think that was a good idea.  I don't always visit the home page -- I mostly go to recent stories or the forums.  So the threads were helpful in reminding me about the challenges and turning up the friendly pressure to participate.

Just a thought.  I know you're super busy.  No pressure from me, I just wanted to point out that the forum threads seemed to increase participation in the challenges.

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