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Miranda Fave

Whoop it up!

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Over a 100 today and happy about it!

Who? Why our very own kes7. kes' story Tesseract has received over a hundred reviews. So first off, big congrats to kes7 on this momentous occasion and first for Ad Astra. Second, I think it only right to big up all those who have read and reviewed her story and played their part too in this accomplishment.

It is also worth noting some of our big hitter reviewers. Nerys has just passed 200 reviews, while Gibraltar is on the big 300. Mistral is close to 400 and we now have a little group who are in around 100 reviews. Not to forget our queen bee and  who made it all so possible and was the reviewing junkie of all time - Steff herself - SLWatson. Big shout out and thanks to all who make this site a reading success as well as a great place to go reading.

Again, congrats kes7 and well done.

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Whoa.  I'm in need of a blushing smiley.  All I'm doing is writing it!  You're the ones reviewing it, and you are very kind and generous to do so.  So thanks for that -- a thousand times, thank you.  The feedback I get here is a huge inspiration to keep writing, and the valuable commentary you all give me is making me a better writer (at least I hope it is!).  I'm so thankful to everyone who reads and comments on my stuff.

You heavyweight reviewers are awesome!  You left yourself out, Miranda Fave!  469 reviews?  Amazing!  I also enjoy reviewing all the awesome stories I get to read here and wish I had time to read and review even more ... this place is full of talent.  Yay, Ad Astra!  ;D

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