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OUTAGE (10/4/2009)

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We were down for approximately 7 hours, starting at 3:03am local time (PDT).

There was another emergency reboot of the web server.  This is being caused by the heavy use of the SQL server.  I'm looking into moving the SQL data off-server to another location to help keep the load off of washu.

Thanks for your patience.


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Yeah, but it will most likely require a second server to be brought up and made public for SQL queries.  Honestly?  I kind of figured this would happen sooner or later, as the DB grows and accesses start contending for resources on the web server.  I was looking at our analytics, and we have pretty high visitor loyalty (highest I've ever seen on any website), 6+ pages per access, and since we started tracking this stuff, we've had 308+k pageviews.

We're growing! :)


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