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New Support Site

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Over the course of the last week or so, we've been having a lot of issues with the Support site deployment.  To that end, I've been working with other webdev professionals to try and fix the problem, but the fact is that with a free script, you get what you pay for.  So, I'd like to announce that we've moved to a paid solution for support.  Right now, the old site will redirect you to the new site.  Eventually, support.adastrafanfic.com will point to the new site (hopefully by Wednesday night).


As of now, you all need to login and create a new account in order to open tickets on the site.


Since this is a paid solution, the question is, what do we get?

  • The big gain is social media integration.  You can now open tickets by @replying to @AdAstraFanfic on Twitter, or sending a PM on our FB page.  Additionally, we accept logins from FB, Twitter, or G+.
  • You can now open tickets by sending emails to support@adastrafanfic.com, and you can reply to tickets via email as a consequence of that integration.  If you don't want to visit the site, you don't have to... but I would appreciate it if you would so you can enter in pertinent information.
  • A more robust knowledgebase (I would love it if you guys would go there and rate the articles).
  • Everyone now has a full history of all of their activity on the site (tickets you've opened, etc).  In case you need it.
  • A new tab on the main archive that links right to the knowledgebase and will help you open a ticket, if you need to (it's called the Emergency Fanfic Hologram).

What did we lose?

  • Our entire ticket history for 2011-2012.  No big loss there, since I had already offloaded the tickets for cold storage before we switched.  They just won't be in the new system.

I know this probably doesn't mean anything to most of you, but this is a big upgrade for me as far as tracking issues and maintaining the site we all love.





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Sounds like a lot of terrific perks really Mike, especially for behind the scenes are for those who are offering the support and trying to meet those needs or inquiries - i.e. you. A good idea really then as it will make things so much smoother for all really. Terrific and thank you for all the wonderful cog greasing you do to keep things working behind the scenes. 

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