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How to Sign Up for an Ad Astra Blog

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We are now ready to move forward with allowing all folks to have their shot at running their own blogs hosted by Ad Astra.  A couple of things to note:

1) We are running Wordpress in Network Mode.

2) Each of you will have a subdomain of yourname.adastrafanfic.net  (ie: http://jespah.adastrafanfic.net)

3) You will also be given a Community address of @yourname (ie: @jespah)

4) If you do not have a trekfics.net email address, don't worry... it won't affect your blog and you can change it later.

5) Disqus is available for your comments.  Please sign up for a free account at http://disqus.com -- otherwise, you will be spammed to death.  This is no bueno.  Ad Astra will not be responsible for spam-chasing on your blog. :)  We do that enough on the forums, as it is :)

Now that you're read the guide, here's how to get your very own blog.

1) Go to http://support.adastrafanfic.com

2) Click on Submit a Ticket.

3) Category: Account Request, Priority: Low, Select a Site: Blogs

4) Subject: Blog Account Request - yourname

5) The message portion should look like this:

I would like the following blog setup for me.

- yoursite.adastrafanfic.net <- NOT changeable later.

- youremail@address.tld <- changeable later.

- Your Blog's Title (ie: My Blog Site) <- changeable later

- You CAN (NOT) use my real name on this site.

-- If NOT, please let us know what name you wish to use.

6) Click on Submit Ticket, after filling out the CAPTCHA portion.

Please allow 24 hours for your new blog to be setup.

If you run into any problems with your new blog, please submit a new ticket and make sure to reference your blog's URL when submitting!  Do not use PM or reply to this post if you have problems.  ALWAYS open a ticket!

-- Please remember that blogs are a privilege, not a right.  These are being provided for you at Ad Astra's behest.

-- Please also read documentation at WordPress.org for more information on how to run your blog.  Like LJ, this has a bit of a learning curve to it.


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Ln X.  You are sorely testing my patience.  I suggest you grow some social sensibility, because you do not want to sorely test my patience.  Because I can go avenging harpy on your ass in less than three seconds and give you a vacation.  Or just throw you out an airlock.

Thank you, and have a wonderful day.

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Thanks TF. :)

I wanted to let bloggers know that Ad Astra is now a member of the Elegant Themes community.  We now get their premium, professional-looking blog themes available to all users.  If you'd like to take a look at what they have, please visit this site: http://www.elegantthemes.com/gallery/

Should you see one you like, open a support request for it.  It will be made available for everyone.


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It doesn't have to be all about oneself (and I try not to make it that way). I've been blogging for a good 4 years now, and I originally had felt it was kinda inane, but you can grow an audience and it is of interest to them.

Different blogs serve differing purposes. I'm using Barking to talk about what I've been doing with regards to writing, and also how things all fit in, in order to try to give some context to what I do so that I don't just write up a huge topic here about that. I use a blog on SparkPeople to talk about weight loss and maintenance. I have a robot blog where I mainly give the robotic news, either about a startup I'm affiliated with, or about the industry in general. And I also have my own blog which is about career changing, that I should probably update as I'm looking for work again. In that one I talk about my own struggles, but also about the social media industry, plus any books I read about it, any wisdom I've gleaned in the (egad) decade I've been a Community Manager, etc.

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